The Beginning band has their class Recitals on Tuesday, December 9. Click the button for more info.
SMS Beginning Band,
It is hard to believe we are in the second six weeks of school. I want to make you aware of what has been happening in band. Band Fees and Supplies: All band fees were due last week. Please let me know if you need more time to pay fees. Also, we do sell some basic band supplies like reeds and oil through the band office. If your child needs any items, please let us know. Fundraiser: Items from the Cherrydale Farms fundraiser are expected to arrive onWednesday, October 15. Please make plans to pick up items immediately after school. We do not have a way to store unclaimed items; many of them will be frozen food, so please pick them up. Instruments going home: By now, we hope you have heard your child make some sounds at home. Daily practice is now an expectation; I’ll discuss this in the next section. We hope that you have been encouraging about the sounds that you hear and excited to hear them play at home. Yes, we know that these first sounds are not always the most pleasant, but your encouragement goes a long way. Please help your child find a time and place to practice at home. Daily practice is the only way to improve as a musician. Practice Reports We started practice reports today. Practice reports are the way your child keeps up with and receives credit for their daily practice. Here is a link to a copy of the practice report. You can always download and print one, but we give them out each week in class. Please note that 5 days of practice per week is required if your child wants to receive a 100. Here are a few items we discussed in class that may help you, too: · Credit is only given for each day practiced, not total number of minutes per week. You wouldn’t shower just once or twice a week; you’d be pretty stinky. You shouldn’t practice just once or twice a week; you’ll sound pretty stinky. · Parent signatures are required to receive credit. · We will accept a practice report anytime during a six weeks, but it must be turned in on Thursdays for full credit. · When your child is sick or their instrument is in the shop, it should be noted on the report. When we enter grades, we cannot remember which one of our 250 students was sick that week. · If you are absent, turn it in the next time you are at school. Likewise, if you are absent, you are responsible for getting a practice report for the next week. · While we prefer for students to turn in their weekly practice on the practice report, we do accept signed pieces of paper if a report is lost or the student forgot to get one. · We start at 10 minutes per day for full credit; by the end of the year, we will be up to 25 minutes a day. · We know that sometimes “life gets in the way.” There are occasions when practice just can’t take place one day. That’s fine. Practice the days you can so you can get as much credit as possible. · Do you need a convenient reminder each week to turn in practice reports? At the top of each practice report is a phone number. Just text @smith-PR to that number and you will get a text message reminder every Wednesday. · Want some practice tips? Check out the Band Handbook on page 19. Again, please encourage your child to practice. What Has My Child Learned in Band? We have actually learned a great deal in nearly 7 weeks of school. Here is just a sampling of what we have done: · How to sit and how to breathe. · The musical alphabet. · All about that Bass (and Treble) Clef. · How to identify notes on the staff and ledger lines. · How to properly assemble, take apart, and care for their instrument. · How to form an embouchure and make a sound. · Anywhere from 3 to 10 notes (how to play them and read music). · Note values for whole, half, quarter, eighth, and sixteenth notes and rests. · How to count whole, half, and quarter notes and rests. Yes, we have learned a lot! We are looking forward to a great year in band. Thanks for providing your child a music education. If you have any questions, please let me know. ![]() SMS Band Family, It is with great pride and excitement that we share this news. This week, the SMS Bands competed in the Region 7 UIL Concert and Sight-Reading Contest at Burleson Centennial HS. The Symphonic Band, under the direction of Mrs. Holly Vasquez, performed on Tuesday. They earned all first division (superior) ratings from the 3 concert judges and 3 sight-reading judges. They brought home their 5th consecutive UIL SWEEPSTAKES Award. In addition, they were one of only three non varsity bands to earn this prestigious award. Their program included Forward March by Paul Murtha, Challenger Point by Timothy Johnson, and Serengeti Dreams by Robert W. Smith. The Wind Ensemble, under the direction of Mr. Matthew Hiller, performed on Thursday. They earned first division (superior) rating from 2 of the concert judges and 3 of the sight-reading judges. They brought home their 7th consecutive UIL SWEEPSTAKES Award. Their program included Café 512 by Ryan George, Hypnotic Fireflies by Brian Balmages, andColonel Bogey by Kenneth Alford/Mark Williams. Of the 48 bands that competed this week, only 12 earned the coveted Sweepstakes Award. Additionally, only three schools had more than one band earn this award - SMITH MS being one of these! Congratulations to all of these students for their incredible performances! We are proud of them as they continue to live to our motto: Superior Standards ~ Superior Success! SMS Wind Ensemble,
UIL has arrived. This Thursday is the big day. The students have worked hard and we're ready for our performance. It is very important that our final days of preparation and rehearsals have 100% attendance. Please make sure your child is at school each day this week. UIL is Thursday, April 10 at Burleson Centennial High School. Students need to arrive Thursday in their all black band uniform (band polo, black pants, black belt, black shoes, and black socks). They will report to the band hall at the beginning of 1st period. We would love to have parents in attendance for our UIL performance. There is seldom an audience, and having people there to support our performance and applaud is very helpful and encouraging. Our Concert performance takes place in Centennial HS's auditorium at 10:40 AM. Immediately following the concert, we will go to the band hall for sight-reading at 11:05. You are invited to both portions of the concert. Our schedule for Thursday: 8:05 Report to the band hall in all black for warm-up 9:15 Depart for Burleson Centennial HS 10:15 Warm-up 10:40 PERFORMANCE 11:05 Sight-Read 11:30 Load buses 12:00 Lunch at Chik-fil-A (students will be given $6; they may need to bring extra) 1:15 Arrive back at SMS Please remember that this Monday is our final after school rehearsal from 6-8pm in the CHS band hall. Other information: Our trip to Great Wolf Lodge is coming in just a month. All fees and payment are due this Friday, April 11. Our mandatory parent/student trip meeting is Monday, April 28 at 7pm. Other upcoming Events and performances: Monday, April 21 - Golden Pride Band Information meeting for 8th grade students and parents at CHS Sunday, May 18 - Picnic in the Park Thursday, May 29 - Spring Concert Please let me know if you haves any questions. I hope we will see you at UIL this Thursday! Dear Symphonic Band Parents,
The week of UIL is here! We perform tomorrow during the school day at Burleson Centennial High School. Below is the schedule we will follow for the day. Please make sure your child is at school tomorrow – the band has worked really hard for the past several months and needs everyone in attendance! Also, please make sure your child comes to school in their concert black – black polo, pants, belt, and shoes. We will not have time to change clothes before UIL. Schedule: · Arrive at school as normal · When 2nd period bell rings, report to band hall instead of 2nd period class · 9:10-9:30 – brief instrument check and brief warm up · 9:30 – Load bus · 9:45 – Depart for Burleson · 10:30 – Arrive and unload · 10:40 – Warm Up · 11:05 – Stage Performance · 11:30 – Sight Reading Performance · 12:30 – Arrive at Chick fil A (Burleson) *Each student will be given $6 for lunch. · 1:30 – Depart for SMS · 2:00 – Arrive at SMS; students go to Jacket Time and 7th period We would love to see you at our performances tomorrow if you are available! Future Dates Final Trip Payment Payments for our spring trip to Great Wolf Lodge are due by this Friday, April 11th. You may check the balance of your account by using Charms and following the instructions Mr. Hiller sent out in a previous email. Mandatory Trip Meeting There is a mandatory student/parent informational meeting on Monday, April 28th at 7:00 p.m. Because this is an overnight trip, a parent or guardian must be present for each student attending. Picnic in the Park The Cleburne ISD annual Picnic in the Park concert will be held on Sunday, May 18th. This is a required performance for all band members. We will give out times and a schedule as one becomes available. Spring Awards Concert Our final spring concert will be Thursday, May 29th. This is a favorite concert as some students in each band are recognized for various achievements. Please make plans to attend – we would love to have you in the audience! Practice Reports Practice reports continue to be due on a weekly basis every Thursday. Please remember that your child must be eligible to attend our spring trip. If you have any questions/concerns, don’t hesitate to email me. Thank you so much for your continued support and for making this another great week for band! Dear Symphonic Band Parents,
Welcome to another week! This is just a quick reminder about four important upcoming events; a more detailed email will be sent out later this week. In order: Pre-UIL Tomorrow! We will have pre-UIL at CHS in the auditorium. Students need to wear their concert black clothes or bring clothes to change in to. We will leave for the high school after class begins, and students will be back before 7th period so the only classes they are missing are band and Jacket Time. I’m looking forward to some wonderful feedback from the judges! After School Rehearsals
UIL UIL has been officially scheduled! We will perform at 3:55 and sight read at 4:20. The contest will be held at Burleson Centennial High School. We will leave during band class that day and return sometime early evening. Approximate return time to be determined. If possible, please join us that day! Parents and family are more than welcome to attend both the concert and sight reading portion on UIL, although we do ask that no small children be in attendance. This should sum up important dates for the next two weeks. If you have any questions, please email me! SMS Wind Ensemble,
Our first week back from Spring Break was filled with great rehearsals. We hope to continue with the progress we have made as we continue to strive for a Superior UIL performance. Here are a few details about important things in band: Mini Lessons Please remember that mini lessons have replaced the weekly sectional. Every student should have completed one mini lesson by tomorrow, Tuesday, March 25. The second mini lesson will begin next week. Full Band Rehearsals Our first full band rehearsal was last Tuesday. Please make sure that you are on time to each of these. They all take place at CHS from 6-8pm. Our remaining rehearsals are: Thursday, March 27 Thursday, April 3 Monday, April 7 Pre-UIL Pre-UIL will take place tomorrow, Tuesday, March 25. Students will miss their 3rd period class (and 4th period Wind Ensemble. Students must come dressed in their all black band uniform (black band polo, black pants, shoes, socks, and belt). If they would like, they may bring a change of clothes for when we return; however, they must be wearing their band uniform at school in the morning. We will perform at CHS at 11:15. While it would be nice to have an audience we would prefer for you to attend our actual UIL performance, if possible. UIL The Wind Ensemble will be performing their UIL program on Thursday, April 10 at 10:40am at Burleson Centennial HS. It would be wonderful to have as many parents in the audience for this performance. I will send more details of our schedule at a later date. Great Wolf Lodge Please remember that all payments for the trip are due by Friday, April 11. You can check your child’s balance by going to Use “smithmsband” as the school login and your child’s lunch code as the password. Our mandatory trip meeting is Monday, April 28 at 6pm. The student and at least one parent should be in attendance. Other important dates: Monday, April 21 (6PM) – Golden Pride information meeting at CHS for 8th graders. May 8-9 – Great Wolf Lodge trip Sunday, May 18 – Picnic in the Park Thursday, May 27 – Spring Concert SMS Wind Ensemble,
This semester has flown by fast!!! We've given some great performances and we are looking forward to next semester. Here's some information on what to expect: Instruments MUST go home Please take your instrument home on Friday! This needs to be done for several reasons: you need to practice, instruments can't be practiced if they are left in the band hall, you need to practice, you'll miss your instrument if you don't have it, you need to practice, you know you want to start working on all that music you received in class this week, you want to practice, should want to practice. BONUS!!! Anyone that comes back from break and can play all 12 major scales (Green exercises for percussion) with no mistakes will get a prize! Practice Reports The final practice report of the semester is due on Thursday. They will resume in January. While we are not requiring you to practice, we really think you should. Sectionals Sectionals will resume on Tuesday, January 7. We will follow the schedule below until the start of track season. When track begins, we will make necessary changes. Flute - Mondays 4-5pm Oboe - Mondays 4-5pm Bassoon - Tuesdays 4-5pm Clarinet - Tuesdays 4-5pm Saxophone - Wednesdays 4-5pm Trumpet - Mondays 5-6pm Horn - Wednesdays 4-5pm Trombone - Tuesdays 5-6pm Euphonium - Tuesdays 5-6pm Tuba - Tuesdays 5-6pm Percussion - Fridays 4-5pm LSWO Concert On Sunday, January 26, you will have the opportunity to go for free to the Meyerson Symphony Center and hear the Lone Star Wind Orchestra perform. More information will come in Janaury, but prepare to go to this awesome concert! Ensemble Recital Our small ensemble recital is Friday, January 31. This is a unique performance because the music is challenging and you perform in small groups. Start working on this music now as we do not spend a lot of class time or sectionals on this; the performance is based on your own preparation. You will also complete a Music History research project for this performance. Other upcoming performances Our Mid-Winter Concert is Tuesday, February 11. Solo and Ensemble is Saturday, March 1. All-Region rescheduled The band directors of Region 7 are still working out the details, but the All-Region Band Clinic and Concert (that was missed due to the ice storm) will be on Tuesday, January 21. More specific information will be available in January. Happy Holidays! We hope you have a great break and a wonderful holiday season! We are looking forward to 2014 and the music we will make. If we haven't mentioned it yet, you only have about a dozen more days of 2013 to practice; make the most of that time! SMS Beginning Band,
Last week's performances were so much fun and everyone did a great job! It is incredible to think of how much you have learned since the end of August. Now we are looking to next semester and how much more you can learn by the end of the school year. Here's some information on what to expect: Instruments MUST go home Please take your instrument home on Friday! This needs to be done for several reasons: you need to practice, instruments can't be practiced if they are left in the band hall, you need to practice, you'll miss your instrument if you don't have it, should want to practice. BONUS!!! We have rocket launchers! The student in each class that can play the most mini scales (found on Steps) when we return in January will earn rocket launcher (or large candy bar; your choice). Percussionists can compete by working on Two to the 8th Power. The percussionist that can play this at BPM=116 with no mistakes will earn the prize. Practice Reports The final practice report of the semester is due on Thursday. They will resume in January. While we are not requiring you to practice, we really think you should. LSWO Concert On Sunday, January 26, you will have the opportunity to go for free to the Meyerson Symphony Center and hear the Lone Star Wind Orchestra perform. More information will come in Janaury, but prepare to go to this awesome concert! Upcoming performances Solo and Ensemble is Saturday, March 1. Our Mid-Term Concert is Thursday, March 6. Due to some scheduling conflicts, the date of this concert may have to be moved to Tuesday, March 4. All-Region rescheduled The band directors of Region 7 are still working out the details, but the All-Region Band Clinic and Concert (that was missed due to the ice storm) will be on Tuesday, January 21. More specific information will be available in January. Happy Holidays! We hope you have a great break and a wonderful holiday season! We are looking forward to 2014 and the music we will make. If we haven't mentioned it yet, you only have about a dozen more days of 2013 to practice; make the most of that time! We hope you have stayed safe and warm during the extended weekend. Here is an update for our class Recitals.
School is scheduled to begin at 10am on Tuesday morning. We will be on a shortened schedule, but all classes will meet. This will be our final rehearsal for our performances. In the event that school is cancelled tomorrow, please stay tuned to your email and Facebook for any information. Beginning Band On Wednesday, students need to wear their band t-shirt and blue jeans. We will have a reception following each class' recital. Please send a dessert with your child. If you are attending the recital, it is easier if you bring the dessert with you. Please make arrangements to arrive a little early to allow time to check-in at the front office. Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble Our concert is Tuesday evening. Students need to be seated for warm-up at CHS by 6pm (Symphonic Band on stage; Wind Ensemble in the band hall). They need to be wearing their all black uniform (black band polo, black pants, black belt, black shoes, and black socks). The concert begins at 6:30 and will be over no later than 8pm. We still plan to take our yearbook photo, so please allow us to do this. |
SMS BandPosts ar made by Mr. Hiller and Mrs. Vasquez. Archives
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